Mother In law charging us rent to pay for wife's Rich Cousin's wedding. WTF?

Im a guy and I had a mom who was like this. We didnt get along and whenever I would try to move out and start living on my own she would call me and make comments to me like "Im not ok because you arent here" but when I would move back in she would fight with me and barely interact with me. It was really strange. Recently her dog died and she was balling her eyes out saying she is so sad and misses him so much however when he was alive them kept him outside all the time. I told them several times to bring him inside over the last 10 yrs and they never did. It made no sense to me how she could claim to love him so much yet never take him for a walk and only interact with him when she went into the yard. So its pretty clear that she is pulling some weird manipulation tactic with her kid but to what end? I guess to make her get a job? Honestly that sounds really ignorant because the girl obviously cant work.

/r/Mildlynomil Thread Parent