What's the weird/bizarre thing your mildlynoMIL does? (Let's have fun with this.)

Sometimes I play Minecraft for like three days straight. There was a point last year where anytime I had free time I would play my game. My mil lived with me at that point. I would have all my shit done; laundry finished, kids fed, whatever. I wouldn't tell her that bc I didn't have to justify my actions to her. But she would complain LOUDLY about me playing that damn game again all day and night!! And she was right. I played it A TON. It made me happy. It had absolutely NO effect on her whatsoever.

Well one day I got fed up with her complaining and I said "should I start drinking and sun up and watchTV all day, in the house you don't pay for, instead? I see that's an appropriate plan for YOUR day... Should I go get a pack of beer and watch my "programs" for twelve hours until I can't barely stand and slur my speech, daily?* She didn't like that. Apparently I'm a bitch. I didn't care. I picked up my controller and kept playing my game. She continued drinking expired beer she got a discount on and watching TV all day, while loudly complaining about me.

I would also like to add that I've paid all the bills in this house for years without help. If I want to ignore house duties and play Minecraft when I'm not working, I really don't want to hear any guff about it. My husband can do the dishes and laundry. I've got mining to get to!

/r/Mildlynomil Thread