Why Can't Reddit Let Us Snark On Meghan?

I live outside the US as an American abroad. I’ll tell you first hand people who are not American think Americans are self-centered and not understating there is a world outside of its borders- that don’t actually care about what The US is currently complaining about.

I could talk about the litney of crazy topics that outside of US borders people don’t waste their time thinking about. I’ll add that ppl outside of US held rallies to get Obama out of power just as much as they did Trump….and Biden….and both Clinton’s. (I was abroad for W Bush- so I can’t speak to that).

Race politics and American-centric topics don’t mean a thing to people who are facing real issues like war, slavery that still exists today, women oppression (not the same as first world feminism), and not actually being able to feed their families (in contrast to buying a smart phone or designer bag for over a thousand dollars rather than pay the rent or buy food).

This is what MM represents for me: American ego/centric society. Not all Americans. I’m pretty sure out side of reddits like this and the chaos that she creates- no one cares about MM. William caught on to this fact early and he’s the one she first pointed to as “the problem” for her.

Frankly, I think she’s an embarrassment to me as an American. She is absolutely the worst kind of American: loud, indignant, rude, self-centered, delusional with grandiosity, and only believes things are true if she benefits from them. This is not 98% of American population, but that last two percent makes us all look bad.

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