Moving to Los Angeles LA

I moved to Los Angeles 3 years ago without having a job lined up for me. I did, however, have a place to stay for free for several months. So our stories are similar I suppose. I have no college education, so I cant relate to having to wait a long time to find a job at a certain price point. If you are comfortable with settling for less, it took me literally 2 days to find a job. So if your primary goal is to simply move and figure out the details later, then it is surely doable.

However settling for less might be detrimental. If you settle for less long enough employers might consider you a less valuable candidate if your time could have been spent honing valuable skills in your trade. Consider that a point of caution.

Realistically speaking, having your own place will cost you at least $1000. With roommates, expect about $600 minimum - and that's in the cheapest parts of town.

I can only speak from my experience, but moving to Los Angeles was the greatest experience of my life. But there are ups and downs. I dont live in the greatest part of town, and I work for $15/hr, but it is a joy to live here. It's an amazing city with a very diverse cultural life and everything you could ever want at your fingertips.

/r/moving Thread