Multiple ETF portfolio

I guess the problem with long term is that looking short term backwards doesn’t work because the time horizon is too short, and looking long term back doesn’t work because too much has happened since then.

Truthfully, with 50% very well diversified with a tilt already to the USA (which is warranted) tilting further towards the USA is perhaps overkill.

Making a bet on Technology, Nasdaq or renewable energy long term seems reasonable; more S&P feels like overkill but will Audi probably do well.

My only “concern” with your portfolio is it’s heavily Can, US focussed, so a slow down here long term hurts a lot. If it was me, add XAW perhaps (I think that’s the ex-USA ETF) or done equivalent to hedge another part of the world climbs to some sort of ascendancy in the next 30 years (stock growth wise anyways).

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