In my F’d up mind I feel lucky to have been abused by multiple men/boys. Sick- I know.

In a weird way, I understand what you are saying and agree. I had severe ptsd for years due to my long list of abuse and assaults but I'm okay now. I worked through it and last time I was evaluated showed no signs of ptsd anymore. Hearing others call a one time drunken unwanted kiss or pat on the butt "sexual assault" and get in an uproar and need therapy cause it's Sooo traumatic always makes me chuckle to myself. Which I know makes me a bitch. It's wrong yes, but traumatic and life altering? I can't grasp how. But I guess people who go through severe long term trauma are messed up yet at the same time much stronger emotionally than those who haven't. For that, I am grateful. Best wishes to you and your future. You are badass and a survivor.

/r/confession Thread