im a horrible person. I've done so many bad things. I wanna change

I'm genuinely impressed that you're capable of such introspection at age 15. I was well into my 20's when I started to realize some of the things you are talking about.

My therapist says that anger is actually bottled up sorrow/sadness that you are unable/unwilling to express. Anger is always aimed outwards to other people around you, as sorrow is within yourself. It's easier and often more socially acceptable (for men especially) to show anger rather than sorrow. I think talking about these issues with a professional would be of great help.

Like many here have stated, recognizing the problem and willingness to change is the biggest step in recovering. Also the road to change is long and does not happen over night. Accept the fact that most likely you will battle with these emotions for the rest of your life, but it will get better and easier as you grow.

/r/confession Thread