So my friend just shared this on Facebook. Let the anti vaping post begin...

For those of you who use mech mods and understand the proper way to handle them perhaps you will begin to see why I suggest we license the users of these devices just like we license Ham radio operators. You study and take a test and get the license. You don't have a license you don't get to own one. Simple.

I know some of you may think this is going to far but when you have people here on this site recommending these devices to new users and B&M stores willing to sell anything to anyone whither they know how to use them or not this is what you are going to get.

Unfortunately, It only takes some dumb ass like this to screw it up for all of us. So either we come up with a way to protect the stupid ass that will purchase one of these devices and blow their face off or we will find our little hobby gone.

If we require them to have a license that proves they understand the hazards involved in using these devices then if they blow their face off we can say well you knew what would happen if you didn't follow proper procedure.

Not to mention there is most likely some shyster lawyer already at this guys front door wanting to help him sue the place where he got this device because they didn't take the time to properly explain to him the hazards involved in using them. And even if the store did show him proper methods of use and they have no way to verify this, they are still going to be sued and loose.

Thus we need to license the use of these devices and when we sell one we should be required to write it down and have the individual who is purchasing the device provide his license number and sign it so there is some protection from lawsuits that can put a business out of business.

/r/electronic_cigarette Thread Link -