my friend sold his soul to the devil to be a famous rapper. im producing his album. id like to talk about this karmically, and in relation to the 51%

Your queries are about the future. None of us can accurately predict the future. Furthermore, what does this have to do with the 51% threshold?

If you refuse your friend, do you think there'll be bitter feelings from him? I know what I would do based simply on a very simple principle: I will not allow myself to be used by anyone for their selfish gain. That would not only a disservice to myself, but also to them.

Otherwise, I also know I don't want anything to do with helping anyone fulfill a StS ambition. That is just me however, and frankly I feel like this answer is already dancing on the edge of free will infringement; because if anyone were to commit a positive act, or refrain from a negative act, I would hope that they'd done it completely of their own will rather than social pressure, especially if from me.

/r/lawofone Thread