My humble attempt at creating a more logical, vowel-less English (feedback welcome)

So, here's my humble attempt at creating a more logical version of English, which mutated into a vowel-less version of english. Constructive critisism is more than welcome. Posting here to make sure there aren't any major oversights I need to adress that I've missed in my proofreading.

So, hẽrs mĩ humbul atempt æt krẽãtiŋ a mor lojical verƶon uv Iŋliŝ, Wic myõtãted intõ ã vowul-les verƶon uv Iŋliŝ. Konstuktiv kritisism is mor ħæn welcum. Postiŋ hẽr tõ mãk ŝur ħar arn't anẽ mãjor oversĩts ħat ĩ'v mised in mĩ prõfrẽdiŋ.

Backstory: I'm creating this for a setting where the main uh, setting is a 1984-esque isolated city (albiet far more silly and far less grimdark).

Some notes:

This is based on how people pronounce things on where I'm from (the northeast U.S) (General American)

The main goals are to make the language clearer (pronounciation-wise) and slightly more efficient.

Letters that formally were vowels now have a tilde'd version of theirselves making the vowel sound they (usually mostly were supposed to make this is why we need a reform usually) made.

Make sure to read the notes in the document and leave comments on what needs chagned.

To demostrait, here are some examples:

Gettysburg adress:

Wẽ hɵld ħẽs trõħs tõ bẽ self-evident, ħæt al men ar krẽãted ekwal, ħæt ħey ar endowd bĩ ħã'er krẽãter wiħ sirten unãlẽenabul rĩts, ħat amuŋ ħẽs ar lĩf, libertẽ ænd ħu pursõt uv hapẽnes.

The Lord's Prayer (With archaic english):

Owr faħer, hõ art in hevin, hælowed bẽ ħĩ name. Ħĩ kiŋdom cum, ħĩ wil bẽ dun, on erth æs it is in hevin. Giv us ħis dã owr dãlẽ bred, ænd forgiv us owr truspæses, as wẽ forgiv owr truspæsers. Ænd lẽd us nɵt intõ temptãŝon, and deliver us from ẽvil. For ħĩn is ħu kiŋdom, ħu power ænd ħu glorẽ forever. Ãmen.

inb4 "chill out with the tildes"

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