Small Discussions 16 - 2017/1/11 - 25

How's this? This is as detailed as i can get.

V=iauɛo (Order of frequency)

i - high front unrounded vowel a - low central unrounded vowel u - high back rounded vowel ɛ - lower mid front unrounded vowel o - mid back rounded vowel

C=mkjpwbhgŋ'nscʃtflɲ (Order of frequency)

m - voiced bilabial nasal k - voiceless velar plosive j - voiced palatal approximant p - voiceless bilabial plosive w - voiced labio-velar approximant b - voiced bilabial plosive h - voiceless glottal fricative g - voiced velar stop ŋ - voiced Velar nasal ' - glottal stop n - voiced alveolar nasal s - voiceless alveolar fricative c- voiceless palato-alveolar affricate ʃ - voiceless palato-alveolar sibilant t - voiceless alveolar stop f - voiceless bilabial fricative l - voiced alveolar lateral approximant ɲ - voiced palatal nasal

Order of the alphabet: i'hŋɛɲjcaʃnsofmbu

All the vowels and consonants are ordered by place of articulation(back to front). All of the vowels are equally spaced apart.Each consonant is pronounced with the vowel that comes before it(e.g t͡ʃ→t͡ʃɛ).The glottal stop is pronounced i'e.



Onset all consonants Nucleus all vowels+dipthongs Coda all but j,w

The following are the phonotactic constraints expressed in SCA2 notation:

V=iauɛo C=mkjpwbhgŋ?nscʃtflɲ A=kp B=gb D=kpbft

A/B/VV A/B/#_V C//_² V//_² ?//_C ?//C ?//VC A/AV/# D/DV/# CD/C/

/r/conlangs Thread