Suppose the Moneybags guild did decide to buy the world with their consolidated wealth, a more dastardly plan would be to buy it via loan or payment schedule.

There are some that would like to see wealth have a half-life arrangement to avoid the concentration of wealth alluded to above, inflation does this to some extent and also makes the servicing of loans feasible. This runs counter to many peoples desire and expectation that once they have worked and sequestered this work in an enduring form it ought to remain so. The act of working is going to have a diluting effect upon any work all ready done. When you are part of the Moneybags guild you don't doubt where you'll sleep or when you'll eat, you own the game, you do what you please. Everybody would join the Moneybags guild if possible, change its name, and do what they please. If they did would the world be significantly different? A bank repossesses somethings or a kolkhoz appropriates everything, personally I'd like a world where most interactions didn't have the flavor of hostage-taking/hostage-negotiation or runaway slave hunting.

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