My significant other and I are considering getting a Great Dane and I am wondering what’s smart to know beforehand. What did you wish you new before you got your dog? And also, we live in Norway, so I’m wondering do they freeze easily? Thanks for any answers!

Train him to be indoors when they’re little, it’ll be almost impossible once they grow since they reach pretty much every surface of the house. They don’t know how big they are and think they’re lap dogs, so make sure to set rules on which surfaces he can touch or not. We don’t let ours go into the rooms or reach for counters or tables, he doesn’t even try anymore, he sticks to the couch and his bed or the carpet.

Also, they drool a lot so you’ll have dog drool on your walls from when they shake, or turn, or anything. We constantly wipe ours and he is trained to wait in the hallway to be wiped after eating, otherwise there’s a mess all over the living room. Be prepared to clean up all the water they leak while drinking.

They’re the sweetest dogs and just want to please so training him won’t be difficult if you make it fun for him. Enjoy cuddling your mini horse!

/r/GreatDane Thread