My twelve year olds favorite breakfast as of late! Gluten free bread, natural peanut butter, Greek yogurt, local honey, walnuts, blueberries and cinnamon.

Well since you have something to say about this let me tell you. I suffered (or as some would say still suffer) from alcoholism myself. In fact you’ve probably gone through my profile and have seen my history as I am very open about the fact. Also I’m sure you have seen that I had a liver transplant a little over a year ago. My son has seen his mother fall suddenly ill and face death due to my afflictions. He has visited me in the hospital while I was incubated and in a coma. He has said his goodbyes to me. All at the ripe old age of 10. He lives in no bubble yet he remains positive, empathetic, and caring because that is the kind of people we are. This seems to be some thing you struggle with. I am sorry about that. All of this because I was glad my son finally agreed to breakfast on the regular and I thought it looked pretty and balanced and wanted to share.

I also see in another comment that you insulted my education because I stated that I worked in the restaurant industry for many years. I have a BS from ASU and multiple certifications in the medical field. I left the medical field to work in the restaurant industry in Scottsdale/Paradise Valley (one of the wealthiest communities in America) because the pay was triple the amount than working in family medicine and that was what was best for my family.

Get off your high horse and stop judging people you know nothing about, it’s not an attractive trait.

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