I’m looking for something low calorie i can snack on

Here’s the real deal. If you are tired of being tired and overweight, you’re ready to start. Snacking didn’t help me. This idea that we need to eat three meals a day and snack if we are hungry is rubbish. Most of us carry way too much access fat and we need to train our body to burn the fuel we’ve been storing. I’m not even talking about exercise here. The human body is amazing and smarter than we give it credit. If anything like me, staying away from any processed foods helped with hunger cravings. Eat whole, eat clean—proteins, veggies. Don’t drink your calories and avoid sugar. We’ve become addicted to it and that’s were the cravings come from. And don’t be afraid to intermittent fast. I’m 65 lbs lighter over 2 years now and my inflammation has reduced greatly which helps maintain my loss. Allowing your body to have a period without eating between or even extra hours between eating helps heal your body. You’ll have way more energy and drive. BUT, you’ll need to get over the urge to grab easy processed things that have sugar and wheat. Something that you may need to hone over time. And if you have a slip up or cheat, it’s okay…keep moving forward, it’s all a part of the journey. You can do it!

/r/HealthyFood Thread