Mythic Gore Help

General * The raid should still pre-pot, ring and 2 mins cds on pull. That's still a good chunk of damage on the boss. * On pull, sacrifice the ones who are on souls (warrior and spriest?) and break them out immediately (Make sure they die at a different marker and everyone break them out - preferably where the mages drop their PC on pull). If one of these get shadow of death before that, he/she should still go sacrifice but send in a replacement to handle the first set of adds in the stomach. * Call out for help on soul - especially the warrior who is keeping track of the digest timers should call out. If people are having trouble with targetting the right one, maybe mark it for them. Needs to be quick and ranged should respond fast - especially warlock, spriest and hunters.

Fire Mage * If you are planning to play fire, use the trinkets metsmonkey mentioned. More importantly, the Sandman's Pouch has a 115 sec ICD, which does not reset on pulls. So make sure you are tracking the ICD between pulls (use WA or TMW). The proc is pretty consistent - i.e, if it's off ICD on pull it will proc immediately and thereafter around 2 (Feast 1) and 4 min marks again. That would also mean that you won't have it up for the 2nd Feast. So plan accordingly. Also, do your regular opener on pull since everything you have will all of those up for first feast.

Warlock * Always Havoc the boss on cooldown. Ideally the constructs and essences should be coming out of the stomach at execute range HP. You can snipe 3 constructs/essences or even souls to help out. Hope you have a mouse over macro for shadowburn. If not, this is the best fight to try it out. Also, use the BoA trinket instead of Sandman's Pouch. You can also help out with

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