do you have names for your parts/alters and if so, how did you find out?

Hmm, some of us have names when we arrive, others just pick a name that "feels" right when asked about it. Sometimes one of us will go without a name for a bit, and then have sort of a moment where they 'discover' their name, if that makes sense?

Some of us have more than one name and others don't... I don't know, names are weird!! Although some headmates seem to be uncomfortable being named, for others it's important.

We tend to announce ourselves in therapy, when we know we've switched, which uh isn't always. It started off with only a couple of us being comfortable having our presence known, but over time as we build a relationship with the therapist it gets easier. Some are still anxious now, but I think that's also something that varies between people ya know? It's a matter of time, trust, and familiarity. Which, let's face it, ain't always easy for us with a disorder that often comes from attachment trauma!

Hope this helped!


/r/OSDD Thread