Normally I get delta 8 but they sell this delta 9 now??

Demonizing the plant for 60+ years?

More like 600+ of them actively wanting the world to burn

The dark ages and witch hunts weren't all just superstition. The church was actively hunting people with knowledge of traditional plant medicines. Two main reasons - shamans have this nasty habit of inducing mystical psychological states which challenged the church's monopoly on spiritual experiences - and - many herbalists were women and knew various ways to induce abortions with plants which challenged the church's monopoly on the "human resources" necessary to build kingdoms, armies, and war.

This shit we are dealing with in the US has very old and nasty roots planted in a manic devotion to purifying the world before burning it all down to bring Jesus back. We need to stop dancing around the issue and call these fuckers out when they babble about trying to make things better by making things worse - they are being dishonest perhaps even with themselves and stopping short of explaining that the end game of their religion driving their behaviors is to increase suffering towards an apocalypse they believe will defeat death.

Those ancient yet still thriving delusions are why we can't have anything that makes us feel nice - it distracts us from marching into oblivion to get a hug from Jesus. They have a fetish for it, Christian worship services and media will often become obsessed with end times predictions and raptures in a gleeful manic manner. It's not something they are scared of - they are excited and can't wait to burn everything down and make everything suffer for their sky daddy...all for a hug from Jesus or some shit. I don't understand how their religion isn't seriously being considered for a ban at this point. They are an apocalypse cult who only love Jesus because he was ritually sacrificed to guarantee the apocalypse and forgiveness for the actions necessary to get us to oblivion, once you realize this their bizarre behavior all makes sense.

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