NASA: No, We're Not on the Verge of Developing a Warp Drive

Don't confuse what we don't know, with what you don't know. It's very easy for an individual to think that their view on the world applies to all of humanity.

Ahh yes, you just proved how true this is. Ironic no? Additionally, It's very easy for us as humans to think that our species' view and understanding of nature to be the the definitive and absolute truth, that is until we are proven wrong. After that we have a new "truth" that covers everything we have experienced up until the next time we are proven wrong.It's an endless cycle of explanations that work until they reach a point where they no longer are adequate enough to comprehensively explain our experiences, and then revisions to make the theory work again. Every once and a while those revisions open up a new world of possibilities, Einstein's equations were revisions that did just that. They allowed for new leaps of progress in areas of physics across the board. We don't know what we don't know. And "we" includes You.

I understand why C is the cosmic speed limit, I understand causality, I understand the concept of a "light-cone", I understand the idea of why "shifting" the cone past a certain point would cause huge problems. However, we are just hairless apes who, just 15,000 years ago were chasing deer off cliffs, scrounging in the dirt for berries and nuts, and shitting in the woods. Now we're hairless apes that can travel to space and argue about relativistic theory on the Internet. There are things we, as humans, have no concept of yet. Don't rule anything out. We can rule things out of the realm of attainability of our current knowledge and technology, but we know nothing of future discoveries or knowledge.

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