Natalie Portman, at 13, experienced 'sexual terrorism'

If lesbians can look at a child in skimpy clothing and keep their mouth shut, so can grown heterosexual men.

You literally generalized heterosexual men as being the sole perpetrators of sexual harassment and it is directly implied in your comment. There are many cases where sexual harassment from women toward men is socially acceptable and the media either doesn't mention it or plays it down. Despite what you believe, sexual harassment is not exclusive to just men.

I find men who need to point out "not all men!!" are the ones with something to fear.

No, that's just not true, again you're generalizing. When some men point that out, they are simply stating a fact and they are not fearful of anything. It's like someone falsely accusing you of being being emotionally unstable when you say "not all women are emotionally unstable." It's completely absurd to accuse men like that without any basis whatsoever.

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