NDP releases attack website showing Trudeau's flip-flops

As much as the holier-than-thou users in here seem to think "going negative" on the Liberals is so unbecoming, grow up. We went negative on the Conservatives and no one seemed to mind then. That commercial listing all the Conservative wrongdoing was just a straight up list of facts. So is this. Trudeau said and did everything in that list. Not only that, but the party isn't afraid to put its brand right there so everyone knows who it's coming from.

This, in contrast, to the Liberal Party, which is running a commercial claiming Mulcair "promises cuts" without a shred of actual evidence (outside of their own partisan logic) to back that claim up. This is, without a doubt, the party which has been quietly picking-off our candidates in key ridings one by one in a series of character assassinations/scandals delivered to places like "True North News", which then get picked up by their friends at the CBC, which is holding their property and employees hostage unless the Liberals win, or Huffington Post, who's chief political editor wrote Trudeau's fluffy biography and has a Facebook page littered with pro-Trudeau, anti-Mulcair posts, and couldn't more obviously be in the Liberal Party camp if she tried.

In the meantime, all kinds of media, including posts and comments in r/Canada and r/CanadaPolitics have, for months, been pushing the narrative that A) Trudeau is more left-wing than the NDP, B) Voting for Bill C-51 isn't that big deal, C) Mulcair is basically Hitler. And it's working. Polls are showing they're making gains off disillusioned progressives who are falling for the same old campaign-left, govern-right bullshit.

Does that sound familiar? It should. Remember Kathleen Wynne? She's Ontario's "progressive" premier. She got elected because Andrea Horwath was basically Mike Harris and Rob Ford rolled into one. A "right-wing populist"! (Except, well, even Mike Harris wasn't so brazen as to privatize Hydro One.)

Remember John Tory? He's that progressive mayor who's going to stop Rob Ford. Olivia Chow? Who? She's just splitting the vote and getting in the way (at least she was as soon as John Tory started polling ahead of her, but before that Tory definitely wasn't splitting the vote, no). She doesn't have a progressive "vision" for Toronto like John Tory's Smart Track. (Except, well, Smart Track is basically a pipe dream that won't integrate with the TTC and is going to be as big a boondoggle as the UP. Who built that? Kathleen Wynne, right.)

Our party doesn't have that kind of sway with the media. We can't control the narrative like they can. We don't have friends at the Huffington Post or CBC to do our dirty work for us. When we attack a party, when we go negative, we attack them with our name on it.

So fucking good. Trudeau is a privileged hypocrite who's pushing all the right buttons for progressives with empty promises and meaningless rhetoric to steal their votes away and keep an actual progressive party from forming government. Do you - any of you - really fucking expect anything to change if we let this opportunity - this incredible, history making moment - slip out of our hands? Do you really think the Liberals actually fucking mean it this time, as opposed to all those other times they promised progressive change#Broken_promises)?

You got a problem with us running a negative campaign against the Liberals? Why? It hasn't fucking stopped them for doing the same to us for the past decade.


/r/ndp Thread Link - news1130.com