Need some advice from VR developers

I have been doing various development work for the past 15-20 years and pivoted into game development about 3 years ago. I would like to build on that list above and share my thoughts with you as well:

1) Ignore javascript and just go right to c# unless you are planning to double as a web developer. I personally would never recommend writing your game code in javascript. Although when ReactVR launches I may end up flip flopping on this but for coding in the Unity editor directly, always stick with c#.

2) If you do decide to learn javascript note that java is not the same as javascript. They are totally different. Don't bother with java at all.

3) Focus on just one aspect at first. Don't try to code, design textures, 3d model, and animate all in one go. You will burn yourself out trying to learn all that stuff at once. Start with the coding and use free assets and free 3d models you can find online. The Unity asset store has a lot of good stuff and sharecg has a lot of great models you can practice on as well. (Don't sell anything you make without getting proper licenses for models you download). Having a solid understanding of the coding basics will go a long way, even if you end up just wanting to focus on the art side. An artist who understands the impact on the code is a rare and valuable thing.

4) I got started by just doing Unity tutorials. They are great:

Also that Ben Tristem Unity course mentioned above is on sale and that sale ends today. I would suggest you buy it now. $15 is a steal.

5) Points 5 & 7 from above are probably the most important imo. Start small, and don't try to be perfect right out of the gate. There is going to be some slop code but as you progress you will learn what to do and what not to do and the quality of your code will reflect that over time.

6) Good luck and have fun! Out of all the various development jobs I have done in my life, game development is by far the most rewarding.

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