i really cant stand a certain mentality

Man, you're overthinking it. As a mod of this community, I'm realizing I really don't like or agree with what a lot of others in this community have to say. That's not to say that I don't think this community is valuable. It absolutely is valuable and if anything, is essential for others who wish to walk this path. And there are users who I am thankful for participating in here because they truly bring life and wisdom to this community.

But I also realize my opinions and thoughts towards what I read here or other occult communities is more of a me issue than it is a "them" issue. I fully understand that I'm picky and don't have a lot of respect to give. Do I want to change that? Not really. It doesn't bring detriment to my life nor do I spread detriment to others. It just is what it is. Who cares about unbiased positivity. Just keep scrolling

/r/DemonolatryPractices Thread