Need some help in creating ffmpeg / general script to encode files stored in google drive

Hello once again. The code seems to be working but there seems to be a problem on my first test run. And here is how I can best describe the error

When it fetches 1 file, it converts and uploads the file to the drive after successful completion. However, it works only for one file and stops. It also transfers the .config folder of which the rclone config file is stored. Most probably that's how it stops transferring on the first file.

Here was the code I run

while read file; do rclone copy drive:/testfolder/"$file" . -P; ffmpeg -i "$file" -vf scale=-1:540 -vcodec libx265 -crf 26 "${file%.wmv}.mkv"; rclone move . drive:/testfolder/ --exclude list.txt -P; done<list.txt

Could you be knowing the source of the error and a way to fix it?

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