Need some help with the game, please!

Everyone understands you, and is answering your question, but you're not listening. You get better, and a portion of those times won't matter. That is the legitimate answer to your question.

Your teammates will always make mistakes, and while you can be more active in pinging and making calls, you are not going to be significantly improving the performance of people in your team when playing on your own level.

It doesn't matter if part of the reason you are losing those games is because a teammate played bad if that is not something you can fix, which usually it is not. Because another part of the reason you lost is because you didn't play better.

You do not have to be a professional player who wins 90%+ of these games by being a mechanical god to see improvement in rank, or to progress to a point where the mistakes of your teammates become harder to notice and less frequent. You simply have to play slightly better than you are now.

Getting better is what you do to compensate. If you can not reconcile this reality with your current views on what is happening in your games to a point where you refuse to see that personal improvement is the solution, that is an attitude problem you will need to personally overcome if you want to actually start winning in the games you currently can't win.

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