We need to start a petition to take Ellen Pao back. She at the least wasn't a cuck.

No, they were not.

Yes they were. I used FPH for a long time. Yes they had a lot of rules, and yes they enforced those rules like crazy.. but they still were really relaxed with some of the people. Not even close to how the_donald is. And yes some fat people started hate, but they got banned right away. You even got banned if they thought you were fat and couldn't provide proof. However, I saw a fat girl make a post on Reddit that she was upset and wanted to kill herself, and FPH posted the sub, then went over there and told her to kill herself, and told her to deal with it, ect. They also posted peoples facebooks, tumblrs, ect. Which would have been fine since the names were x'd out, but they would go and find them and spam on their stuff. Like they pushed the line a LOT. Even if you were part of FPH you had to see that a lot.

The sub got nuked simply because of the tolerant social just warriors (vast majority of Reddit mods) couldn't handle people not drinking their lemonade... specifically "everyone is healthy" and other in-your-face-denialist crap kind of lemonade.

Well I agree, I wouldn't have banned them. Imo nothing should be censored at all. If I ran the site, FPH, coontown, and a lot of other shit would be around. But all I'm saying her banning FPH they had some what more of a reason to do so then most subs, including the_donald. She isn't perfect and tbh there is probably a lot better choices, but still better then /u/spez is my point of the post.

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