Nero wearing emerald sunglasses in the Seneca trailer — Nero, during gladiatorial fights, used to look at the arena through a concave emerald to avoid the glare of the sun and his nearsightedness.

It is a movie .... first of all, no documentary! ... so please don’t call it „incorrect“, besides you never mentioned any detail which is, by you’re opinion. Thus is absolutely not necessary.

it is plain and simple about people using religion to corrupt others and about radicalisation.

The views from above show how central events in a period of time can change everything. And this IS a very actual topic. Especially the cultural decline, we face today similar and faster. So this is a Medium wich has a message and it Never claimed to be historical accurate, besides you are right every medium can propagandise. Like you referred to Edward gibbon, books and movies are published to address certain people, and they all have a Intention. This book was a novel, and like this is the movie of course fictional.

Every religion here is shown with a good and a bad side. All of them displayed in it. The father who is whipping the slave ... and the „christians“ giving free bred, the Jews referring to Jesus as one of them. It also tells you how this conflict is much older, reading about the history of Alexandria gives an example that there have been multiple times, in the past or future, religious outrages much more violent. And the question who finally destroyed the knowledge of the antic world is much longer and more complex then one event. ( Umberto eco .... e.g )

There are so many aspects that this movie is not at all about black and white.

This movie was just a warning. It shows very good in some scenes ( the riots ) how humans behave, to me like insects.

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