Never seen this, was saving here and now perk for the end when it helps the most but it won’t let me do it for some reason. Anyone ever seen this glitch before?

People be mad that you're trying to use a "dead perk"

Yes we are, and it's ok, FYI. There is reason to get upset at this. A dead perk is a dead perk, it's useless. It's not wrong to point out when someone is using a shitty build. In fact, it is courteous. I mean, if you saw a man walking down the street with his zipper undone, while blissfully unaware that his headphones are unplugged and he is blasting klezmer music out of his phone speakers, would you not speak up and tell him? If someone is using a shitty build in a game, they are embarrassing themselves in much the same way. Therefore, I do not choose silence. I choose the path of morality, unlike you.

We power gamers spend half our lives tuning our builds and eliminating chaff perks. We have chosen this life ourselves. We see it as our duty to inform and educate the normie gamers; the ones that take and never give. Whenever you google for build advice on any game, or read the wiki, guess who wrote that advice? A power gamer. If you run into a silly glitch or technical issue or incorrect stat report, who will you call to pull you up from darkness? A power gamer.

So please, understand where people are coming from before throwing out hurtful statements like this. Power gamers deserve homage, not ridicule. What a sad state of affairs it is when the tallest trees are the first ones cut.

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