New Currency Proposal to Help Alleviate Recessions

been tried before and will result in disaster.

"He convinced the town hall to issue 14,000 Austrian Shillings in "stamp scrip" covered by the same amount of ordinary Austrian Schillings deposited in a bank. This money again was valid only if each month one applied a stamp to its back, corresponding to the negative interest rate applicable to this currency. Two years later, Woergl became, just as Schwanenkirchen in Germany, the most prosperous town in Austria. Taxes were paid early, the water supply and the paved road system extended all over town, everybody had repaired and repainted his house, forests had been cleaned, trees were planted, a new bridge had been built. (This bridge still exists, and a plaque commemorating its construction with stamp scrip is still in place today)."

Hmmm The farmer doesn't accept wallark since he doesn't have the company any where near him.

The farmer would issue his own version of wallark for goods specifically at his farm. The name of the specific scrip is immaterial.

let's charge them more wallark for the same goods. Now employees just got a pay cut.

Income and consumer confidence falls, ability for bosses to stay in business during recession falls. Menger's theory of imputation implies even further fall of capital value of bosses assets fall due to lack of demand.

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