Extreme pain please help

 Your wisdom teeth were pulled 8 years ago...has your jaw ached  and crackled  for 8 years?  

No, our ancestors did not pull out “ impacted” wisdom teeth, because they had no means to do so. “Impacted” is the operative word here. So what happened, they pulled many of the erupted molars anterior to them to relieve the pain and pressure. The fact is that, while wisdom teeth were once very necessary during human evolution, we have evolved to a point where they are no longer needed. They serve a no functional purpose and can cause severe problems later on.

Here is why: Impacted wisdom teeth can damage the teeth in from of them as well as the jawbone and nerves. They will never emerge. The increased pressure caused by the wisdom teeth may result in numbness in your jaw and face and pain.

Furthermore, because even “non-impacted” wisdom teeth rarely grow in perfectly straight... infections, irritation, and overcrowding are almost certain if the wisdom teeth are not removed. This could eventually lead to the need for orthodontic or periodontal treatments.

Usually we do not recommend the replacement of wisdom teeth because the risks far outweigh the benefits.

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