New Guinea pig owner here. Just adopted this 5 months old Peruvian boy, Minito. Any advise would be greatly appreciated!

Minto will need a cage that is at least 7.5 square feet. He will need hideys, tunnels, toys, a water bottle, and a hay BAG. Hay racks are very dangerous for pigs. They can get their head stuck and suffocate. Another option would to be a cat little box and stuffing that with hay, although it’s a little more messy.

He should have 1/8 cup of pellets a day and 1 cup of veggies a day. Red leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce and zucchini are safe to feed daily. Red bell peppers are also great for him to have, but avoid the orange ones because they are high in sugar. Piggies need 25mg of vitamin C a day so on days he does not get bell pepper, he should have a supplement. Oxbow makes a great one. Pigs are prone to bladder stones so avoid high calcium pellets and veggies. He needs 24/7 access to clean water as well as Timmothy hay, unless you are allergic, then orchard grass hay is best. This is necessary for their digestive system and teeth health.

He is a boy so you will need to clean his boar sack around every 8 weeks. I’d watch some videos YouTube to learn how. Make sure you trim his nails regularly also. Guinea pigs should have baths about 2-3 times a year, just make sure you use pet safe shampoo and dry them with the low heat setting on the hair dryer. Again, I’d go to YouTube to learn how to bathe him.

Since he is alone make sure you spend a lot of time with him and give him enriching toys. If you bond him in the future, the best cage mate would be a baby male so he can easily be dominant.

Have fun with your new baby!

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