New part of my paranormal show on youtube...... Tell your paranormal story!

I've got a couple stories but my shorter one is last summer I went up to Maine for a family reunion, and I was staying in this motel room with my mom, aunt and uncle. Most of the motel was tradition, two stories with rooms that opened up to the parking lot, but we got a townhouse unit that was in a separate building than everything else.

We stayed there several days, and the last night we were there, I started having sleep paralysis at night. I guess the first time I had been asleep and then I became aware of myself lying in bed, and I felt my brain vibrating, overcharged by an external electromagnetic field.

I thought I could see a face at the side of the bed, and I started trying to move, to take control. I start swearing at this spirit over and over in my head, thinking these words so forcefully as I tried to curse out loud. I think I managed to whisper, and I guess that would have been when I could move.

I guess I was anxious for a little while. Maybe I went to use the bathroom. But then I tried to go back to sleep, and as I started drifting off, I could peel an energy pulsating in my head, becoming more powerful, and so I started resisting this energy. I don't know if that means that I felt like I was being sucked in and had to resist to stay away. I seem to remember having this energy start to grip me, and I may have been stricken with sleep paralysis again. So I had to fight my way awake again, and then I tried to fall asleep again, and I was sucked back into sleep paralysis, so I fought my way back awake. Then I thought maybe I'm just feeling myself fall asleep maybe I shouldn't fight it.

So next time my brain started vibrating with this electromagnetic field, I relaxed and thought, bring it on.

I did fall asleep, but in the morning I was disturbed by the experience. I thought about asking the front desk if there had been reports of supernatural activities in our room, but I wanted to believe it was just sleep paralysis from me drinking coffee late. However, after we checked out of the motel and driving away, I pull out my iPhone and google, "Haunted majestic regency motel."

The top result was

11 Reviews of Majestic Regency Motel "I like this hotel. I've always stayed in clean, pet ... This time, I'm in room 62 which I think is haunted. A banana jumped off…

I didn't even have to open the link to know that there had been reports of a haunting in the room we had stayed in. That was freaky.

I actually felt like this spirit followed me back home, but that's a whole other story.

/r/Paranormal Thread