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I will continue reporting you for libel

Libel is published. This would be slander. But only if it were false.

It is not a copy.

Can you prove that somehow? I mean, it's obvious from looking at the two parts side-by-side that they have the same geometry and function, so that doesn't help your case. What else can you say about your work to distinguish it from the originals?

Nothke's has open tops and bottoms

That's true. But the sides of your parts are substantively identical to his.

Ours has very large doors on both sides

So does his.

Doors open out because that's the only solid contiguous area you have to slap a hinge.

In another comment I showed you two very well known examples of differently designed doors. You didn't have to make your doors identical to Nothke's. Choosing to do so crossed the line and was not okay.

I do not know what the fuck is with your personal crusade

I have no personal crusade. Stop trying to act like you're some kind of victim. You are being accused, right now, by me, of plagiarism. I've shown you the work I'm accusing you of copying. I've explained to you why I'm accusing you of copying it. You've defended yourself by asserting that your creative choices were somehow inevitable, that your hands were creatively tied, that there was no other way to make the parts you made but the way you made them, at which point I showed you two other, radically different ways that others have come up with. At this point, the ball is back in your court to either say "You're right, my design is too close to the original, I should acknowledge that" or "This is just an unfortunate coincidence and here's why." Getting angry and defensive doesn't help you.

I can certainly say that if I were running Squad I would have smashed your keyboard to splinters an hour ago so we could prepare some kind of damage-control statement that at the very least doesn't make things worse.

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