New study finds people focus less on bad feelings and experiences from the past after taking probiotics for four weeks .

I dont know why you're being down voted those are all very good questions. In order to prove causation (which is still always uncertain) significance needs to be found in the differences between your control and test. This study tests 6 different facets of "behaviour" and tests them all against a 3 different variables which is not included in the abstract. The chance of at least one of these being significant due to chance using a 95% confidence interval (which they also never stated in the article, but is very important) is 1 in 20. meaning they did 36 different tests and concluded one to be significant. The likelihood of this happening are very high, but they did another test to ensure they were correct: The tukey post hoc test. To me based on the results I wouldn't have seen the difference as significant, but they saw a difference with a result of 0.99 as significant but not 0.89 (anything less than 1 I would definitely say is a no-go). Also the very small sample sizes (20) increases this chance of accidental significance.

The important part about statistical test such as this is that if you want a good sample from a population, everyone in the sample should be indicative of the population being tested. So testing a bunch of health conscious university students, only gives you results about healthy, 20-something year olds. Also less than a quarter of their samples were males.

The ss is the sum of squares and the numerical result of an ANOVA (analysis of variable) test. Data can be manipulated by transforming this data with things such as log scales, arc-sines, etc each manipulates the data in different ways and the more transformations you try the higher chance again you have of getting a type 1 error in your data. In other words they may be getting to their results by mere chance.

Confounding variables are those that will effect the outcome of the response variable by means other than that of the explanitory variable. Such as the diets and history of the individuals, the individual variation in humans gut flora, the fact that all individuals in the study were already of proper mental health, environmental factors. A couple of people may have been having a bad day at school or a little stressed (which could cause problems with such a small sample size).

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