Nisi pravi boljševik ako nemaš "-1938" u biografiji

Vezano uz taj citat, isto od Smirnova:

This religious respect for money and the sacred horror at a deficit are too deeply anchored in the spirits of the leaders of the Soviet power. Because of this sentiment, numerous nationalised factories are ceasing to operate, sometimes for long periods, and in recent times this tendency has continued to grow. As we see with more distance, this respect for money goes hand in hand with a relatively acerbic hatred of it.

In rejecting the return to bourgeois relations and, at the same time, trying to restore order to our monetary and financial system, the Soviet leaders place themselves squarely on the petty bourgeois and utopian terrain.

How can we not understand that no money reserve will suffer from the absence of a continual influx of notes and that, if this were not the case, the bourgeoisie would become like the Miserly Knight, sitting on their coffers and ceasing to be the bourgeoisie. How is it not abundantly clear that there is only one way to stop the accumulation of money in bourgeois pockets, and that is depriving them of their sources of revenue, that is to say, planned nationalisation and reorganisation of production? In the contrary case, it is socialist money, bearing the socialist signatures, which will accumulate in the pockets of the bourgeoisie and this, with the same rhythm of the notes sporting the figure of the Tsars and the signatures of their lackeys.

BTW pronašao Rjutinovo djelo ako ikoga zanima.

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