Tf is this from a vendor? Dude was just asking what the other mystery % of the vendors product was. The videos weren’t even of him. “Trusted Vendor”

This is my only problem with this vendor. I have calmly brought up or asked about the percentage. Just really stated my issue with the whole “mine is better because it is less pure” talking point and the response was immediately defensive and ultimately said it shouldn’t matter because smoke is bad for you too and that we all need to live on the wild side. 1 don’t assume every smokes and 2 needing to live on the wild side to consume a vape-able product is fucking absurd! Turned into a drawn out back and forth I ended up deleting because I didn’t want to seem like I was intending to hurt the dudes business. Now that I see him showing his ass elsewhere I am almost concerned he shouldn’t be in it.

/r/delta8 Thread Link -