Not really mad at Hearthstone dev team. I know they tried their best, but as a Control player, Karazhan will be my last purchase.

Over the time I spent playing and following this game I've noticed a clear pattern of Combo and Control decks being nerfed and eventually removed from the game. When I started playing Freeze Mage was viable so I crafted it, Due to the meta becoming more Midrange oriented the deck became unfavored and moved to the bottom of tier 2 or the top of tier 3, So I crafted Handlock and got at least 1500 wins with that deck, Secret Paladin and Face Hunter were too much and it was nearly unplayable, Reno was introduced in LoE and Renolock came to be, I preferred Handlock but Renolock was good enough, After the first rotation the deck died, Not only did Handlock and Renolock lose all the necessary tools to survive they also got nerfed for no justifiable reason, Along with Blade Flurry, A card very essential to the existence of Miracle Rogue.

Now we have Karazhan with nearly no cards that help Control decks become more viable, I switched to Control Warrior but as you all can see, It is a BAD deck to play right now, C'Thun Warrior is slightly better but it is still not good enough, I predict Control Warrior will get nerfed in the future to complete team 5's vision and kill the last classic control deck.

/r/hearthstone Thread