[NP] Self-Analysis with WHY and HOW of Modi's Plan

You are right that people will have to suffer I know and must be an unavoidable situation stop thinking that the government is stupid but given your suggestion: Too much paperwork and data tally to be done if we use aathar card or pan for exchange it will cost government more money to implement and more chaos than now and a gateway to turn black money white. The bank was used because the bank got business with this they will make sure everything works fine because this is helping them grow.They got no reason to avoid the customer.They won't bend the rules.And most of all everyone must go to bank even the poor. Latest announcement was people with 0 balance account and has 0 balance will be given 10,000 Rs its not all planed out but this might happen

And again we suffer from donation in schools/college,Forced Cash payment to buy houses,and so many reasons they i can literally spend 24 Hrs typing and still can't list them all. And will all this stop ? Maybe not but this is a ultimate speed breaker.It is something that has to be done be the bad guy to do good.

And answering your questions: Then why not jump? Why not? Because we are all going to die one day ! Lets start doing that because nothing matters in this infinite universe.

Finding flaws and opposing is necessary in democracy be give a better solution ! Find another way this can be achieved without the flaws and everyone will support this but just criticizing and doing nothing is idiotic.

We like our government like we did before hidden,sucking our money without making us even realize it and non-functional.

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