[o] Sherri led out of the courthouse by her council

Her defense team & PR consultant likely deliberately have her in too-large clothing to emphasize that she’s a poor fragile waif who wouldn’t hurt a fly & won’t last in jail. They know the cameras are there & her male attorney has to hold her up by the waist.

Remember they said at her bail hearing that she can’t eat jail food (her jailers only gave her a half apple & the rest was inedible oer her allergies) & she can’t wear an ankle bracelet for home arrest because of her PTSD. She was already allowed to plead guilty to 1 count of mail fraud (down from 34 counts) & 1 count of lying to the FBI. She’s going to get off with something like time-served, community service, probation & paying restitution. They’ll say she’s already suffered for 5 years & will be embarrassed the rest if her life & now she can get the help she needs.

/r/Sherri_Papini Thread Link - i.imgur.com