Please have a look at this retired Navy SEAL's take on hostage negotiator Cameron Gamble, with the take given after 7 lengthy interviews in person with Gamble. Part 3 here, discusses the Stolen Valor claims against Gamble. Part 7 is Senior Chief Don Shipley's opinion on Gamble

Claims about his military? Have all been vetted.

Claims about civilian work? All been vetted.

I'm sorry that isn't good enough for you. I've been married to him for almost 15 years and he hasn't fabricated anything. Have you thought that maybe things have been taken out of context? Fact: I had a very successful BB career. I was ranked #250 out of over 450,000 coaches.

Fact: Cameron used to work out of town(fires and construction) during the summer months. This when he was not working his government contracts. He would be gone up to 40 days at a time sometimes. It was hard, but he worked his ass off. Not because he didn't make good money to support us with his contracting jobs,but because what we did, was give his training away for FREE during the winter months and we used the money he worked at those extra jobs so we could do that. HELP PEOPLE FOR FREE. Travel overseas and HELP PEOPLE FOR FREE. Sacrifice family and worked hard so we could HELP PEOPLE FOR FREE.

So, I started my BB business to provide extra income to keep Cameron home. So he didn't have go to work and leave his family for a month at a time for a deadend job that he hated. But he did it and NEVER complained. Because he is the hardest working man I know. He did it because he has a heart to HELP people and he knows about sacrafice.

I worked my ass off with BB. I helped a lot of women. No, not just seeking some diet shake...but actually empowering women who had lost confidence and helped them see their value and learn to LOVE themself again. Not based on what they looked like, but helping them see the beauty INSIDE. You can talk with any of my clients and I can assure you they will all say it was much more than a MLM scheme and me just trying to sell something. In fact, I coached a lot of them for FREE and never made them buy a thing.

So after a year, I was able to provide enough income that Cameron could come home. Not travel duing those summer months doing that job he hated, but he did selflessly. He could come home and focus on his vision to create better and more advanced training and focus on HELPING people for FREE. I never said he stopped traveling for his contract work. In fact, I am positive I said that he now gets to CHOOSE what he does, where he goes and when he does it. That is FREEDOM. And I loved what I did. It was my hours, my schedule and it allowed me to be a wife and a Mom FIRST, without sacrafice them. Now, did we file bankruptcy(because I have the feeling based on your previous comment threads you will bring that up). YEP! Are we proud of it. NOPE. Was it completely out of our control? Yes! You see it seems like some critics like to focus on the WHAT and never question the WHY. I believe the why holds way more facts and answers. So why did we file bankruptcy?

Cameron blew the whistle on a military contracting company that was corrupt. He was fired when he refused to take the fall for their illegal activities. It just happened to fall right around the time the former administration cut ALL funds to a program Cameron created and was the lead instructor for(Yes, the SEALS) His class was stopped as he was teaching and shut down. Try going from 100k a year to NOTHING overnight and try and recover. We tried. The economy sucked and Redding economy even more of a joke. There aren't jobs here that support what Cam does. So after a long time of fighting and looking for ANY kind of job, it came down to a hard decision. Any kind of job, just to clarify, meaning he applied for ANY job just to pay the bills and there was NOTHING. So, it happened and we aren't proud. But I will tell you that we LEARNED. And we are better for the experience and we don't let it define us. It's wrong to shame a story you know nothing about.

That is when we decided, together, to make something happen. Create a business doing what we love and stop depending on someone else for a paycheck that could be taken away overnight. And we've been pursuing that ever since. Still giving away hundreds of hours for FREE to people around the world. And Cam was blessed with an amazing opportunity to work as an independent contractor and not an employee.

You see, that is what people who don't think that being tied down to an dead end 9-5 job, working hard for someone else's dream do...they DO! They work thier asses off and make sacrifices, and FAIL and make mistakes and then pick themselves up and learn and keep moving forward. We have a vision for our life and how we want to live and we have a heart to HELP people. Our children are happy, healthy and loved. They know about hard work. They know that failure is just an opportunity to grow and become better.

But people who haven't been following our story for the past several years, people who don't know us personally, people who rely on scandalous tabloids like the Daily Beast, they only have bits and pieces of our story. They put together those pieces to create whatever reality they want about us.

We take responsibility. Cameron has been a silent professional for years. Never advertising and not on the web. Maybe that was a mistake. Being thrown into a national case that is bizzare didn't help and I fully understand people have questions. What I don't understand is the rude, hateful behavior when people assume we are a certain way based on partial truths and misleading articles.

You say you like to think you come off as credible. I would implore you to dig deeper then. To not rely on the media who, you should know, very much edits and takes bits and pieces to create the sensational story THEY want. THEY are the real opportunists.

So there you go. Why don't you dissect that. I'm sure you'll find some loop hole that will cause more questions and doubts because somethings will never be good enough for some people. Again, that is your right and I know I can't change everyone's mind, nor do I want to. I'm just answering a question that was posed to me.

These are the facts. It's our story. And no matter if you like it or not, agree or not, it won't stop us from perusing good and helping people.

PS- we've never been on EBT or any kind of state/federal aide either.

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