OC for nice good sub

Was at the park today with my kids and saw a 10-ish year old boy accuse two other kids of being sexist because they called a group of girls ugly. We'll call the little SJW and his best friend Kid A and the provocateur and his friend Kid B.

Kid A proceeds to stalk, push and bully the smaller younger Kid B demanding an apology and shouting he's a sexist. Kid B gives zero fucks and goes up to the girls again and says 'Still ugly'.

The older spaz Kid A loses his shit, runs up to his CrossFit mommy and screams they are being sexist. Wonder where he got that indoctrination?

Kid A's father comes up, visibly embarrassed and said 'HOW BIG ARE THEY? THEY ARE FREAKING 2 YEARS YOUNGER AND NEARLY A FOOT SHORTER. GET OVER IT.'

/r/The_Donald Thread Link - i.redd.it