October 17th. Buy, sell, or non event? Let's discuss.

I overheard a conversation in the Martini Bar where the aptly named u/PostmortemFacefuck claims he expects the crypto traders to enter the sector at some point and I believe he is right about that. My colleague was early into crypto, he also sold too early, he made a decent buck. This guy simply laughs when he sees r/weedstocks on my monitor, dude never bothered to investigate further. We know for a fact that these guys don't care about fundamentals, so this prospect of their potential influx may help me - as someone who plans to be invested for decades - not to sell the news in October, perhaps risking all my gains, simply because I would not like to sit on cash if everything suddenly goes bitcoin vertical. I am still debating the financial soundness of holding through legalization, of course, but I am sure this speculated development will provide some comfort when I decide to do just that.


/r/TheCannalysts Thread