Off-Season Training / Prep for 2019

The prep I used for 2018 and plan to continue in 2019. End of Summer-October: After a summer of hiking I think it's important to go back to the basics. During these months I like to focus on mostly yoga, body weight workouts, stretching and mobility. If you had a summer of wrecking your body I think it might be a prerequiste to being able to workout and prep for the next adventure.

Novermber- January: I focus on mielage(Running or Hiking aiming for about 60 a week) and heavy weights in the gym (5x5 or 8x4. During these month I like to commit fully to the "Rise and Grind" and get to the trailhead everymorning to squeeze in as many miles as I can before work and make up for miles during my evening workout.

Feburary- Whenever "summer" starts: I foucs on pure quality workouts. I like to get about 3 workouts in at max effieceny pace. So if I'm hiking I'm shooting for 4mph with a fully loaded pack for about 3 hours. To me the goal is practicing perfect hiking: form, hydration, diet, new trail snacks, arranging my pack perfectly etc.

Summer- Whenever summer ends I just roll with the punches and hike any chance I get.

/r/Ultralight Thread