[Official] Mail Order Marijuana List

Well I said what Ive had to say! This is not a forum to fight, we all want the same! This been say, people will make they're own idea of the situation! I wanted to share and it is understandable that you(goldbuds) does not like what I am sharing, I did not wanted to go that far as telling people that you are crooks because I dont believe it but to send CSIMAX to undermine and insult me for no good reason got me pretty talkative let say,! I just know that it is utterly IMPOSSIBLE that I receive. And smoke a 65% thc goldbud and a 51% thc moonrock without beeing high as a kite add no fun with it and is still in my drawer 2 week after, i mean it is not logical, make no sense, that I would lie on such a matter, hey ho your moonrock and goldbuds are not getting me high they are dry with no oil! Imagine that I am at home improvising a scheme to rip you off how stupid would I have to be to try to pull something like that and for what???? How much time have already been put with this for what To get a free moonrock????

/r/CanadianMOMs Thread