oh no

Excuse you? How dare you say I defend things only for the sake of defending them. Listen here, buckaroo, I may be from the West but that is only because I am the best. Nothing is quick about it. We are horribly obese, we move very slow, and reading is fucking dumb. However, even if we aren't quick to defend, we will defend eventually. We defend fucking countries that don't even want us there, you think I got a problem defending my stuff from a little bitch-ass bozo such as yourself.

I may not know how Islam works, but I know I is gonna slam you. I have been watching WWE from multiple decades and memorized StoneCold Steve Austin's defensive moves to a tee. I dress like the Undertaker and am culturally ignorant to a dangerous degree, but the best part is it is also dangerous for you.

And yes, I am insane. So maybe you should think twice next time you say something so ignorant about westerners. Because I guarantee you I will think NONE times. or I am going to go practice the parts of The Bible I like, and none of the ones I don't like. And as I stated prior, reading is fucking dumb, so I don't even need to read it.

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