I am really terrified for this girl (story in comments)

I am so sorry for the size of the pictures. Few notes:

Green = Me

White = The boyfriend.

I am sorry for the lack of detail with the pictures. I am in China at the moment and it has comppletely blocked all access to imgur in terms of uploading pictures/editing my imgur profile/editing pictures. I can, however, view pictures.

Last note: I continued to talk to this guy because I was trying to keep him on the line in some sense whilst I ran around my house looking for his girlfriend's number.


I currently live in China. Three months ago I moved to a city close to Beijing. I met a really beautiful girl here named Ava. We started a very short relationship (3 weeks) but because she was about to leave the country for 6 months and me not wanting to do a LDR, I broke it off. We tried to stay friends until she figured things out with the promise of resuming our relationship subsequently but I just stopped talking to her.

Fastforward to two weeks ago, I really missed her. So I sent her a message and we started talking and planning to do a lot of things together.

Then last week Thursday she stopped replying to my messages. I thought she was ignoring me.


Beknownst to me, she had a new boyfriend and had taken over her phone. They got into a fight (no idea baout what) and he took her phone and started to message me.

I had no idea. As he was messaging me, I was running around my phone's history for her number so I can contact her and let her know that her boyfriend has her phone and is contacting me.

Ultimatelly, I wanted to warn her that her boyfriend was doing some crazy ass shit.

Why you ask? Well my ex is a really fragile girl (5 feet) and I was really scared for her.

And that is the conversation that ensued.

I know something I said were cringy too but I onlly said them so I can gather as much as detail as possible.

In the end, she was literally beside him.

He sent me a lot of voice messages repeatedly threatening me.

I am 100% certain that she said she didnt want to speak to me anymore while under duress.

I warned her and feel at peacce. I just hope she is okay.

/r/cringepics Thread Link - imgur.com