How did you meet the girl you're dating and how did it start off?

On a jacked up forum, fifteen years ago, as strange as it sounds. Think 4chan/reddit/somethingawful before they existed. I'm guessing you've seen the url stamped on some old videos, but I'm not going to post it, because it's devolved into a straight up porn aggregator since it was bought out. Anywho.

I was starting college, got access to a fat internet pipe, so I began consuming all the things. Wandered into a weird place, realized it was full of people like me, so I started cautiously posting. There was one angry, fiesty female poster that gave zero fucks about what anybody thought. We randomly bumped into each other in threads, but that was about it. I liked her quirkyness and sass, she seemed to like my snarky wit, so we were at least comfortable exchanging banter. This went on for a few years, I finished college, started getting jerbs. She took a long hiatus and disappeared for a while. By chance I grabbed a job that resulted in me being awake for long stretches at night with nothing to do, found out she'd returned to the board and we started yapping like crazy on IRC. Found out we really kinda dug each other.... and got along a lot better than either of us expected.

Fast forward to the forum dorks doing a meetup in my city, but I can't get official time off work, so I ditch the rest of the losers and just meet up with her. She stayed at my place in the evenings, then wandered out to hang out with the other folks while I worked during the day. After two days, I knew the deal was sealed.

Saw her pretty face in 2008 and it's been in my mind every day since then. Stuck with her through long-distance and a cancer scare... and goddamnit, I'm in it for the long haul. Absolutely adore that woman.

/r/AskMen Thread