Opinion on New comers to Ranked

I agree the game shouldn't teach players any meta (because that's always evolving).

Because of how customizable the characters are, I wouldn't separate Frontlines into two categories. But the champions could have keywords on the GUI (like in Smite and other MOBA's).

At the very least, the game needs to be more transparent about its mechanics. People go into Paladins thinking it's an FPS. They look at the scoreboard and conclude that Damage and K-D are the only factors.

Meanwhile, the game never indicates how overtime, comeback mechanics and spawn advantage work. These are crucial parts of winning team fights.

Should beginners be bombarded with this all at once? No. But I think there should be a an in-game encyclopedia. Turn-based strategy games have this to describe what things like "fog of war" are and such. Or update the in-game tips.

I agree anyone can find a lot of this online, but many people don't, and even for the ones that do, it takes time to find the best content. The entertainer Youtubes will sort above the educational ones. On /r/Paladins, they'd have to rummage through a lot of shitposts to find a few good ones. Gamepedia is something that beginners will stumble on eventually.

Many people who have played for 500-1000 hours are only now learning aspects of the game that they could've been taught in their first 50. It's kind of like

There are a lot of things that peplayers are learning things in feel like most players (including myself) toare learning a lot of things after 500 hours

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