Our queen seeing pro play in the LCK!

>! Just another reason why you can't just play Evelynn without one tricking the champion. Evelynn is really good into Lillia who is currently dominating a lot of pro games. But DRX just played and built her awfully. They try to invade with no hook or CC throwing off her first clear. They also rushed LB which was useless. Mejai's rush and hourglass (stopwatch OP against Lillia R, Akali burst, and Naut hooks)would have allow her to itemize cheap early and rush a potential early void to stop MR stacking. IMO DRX should've anticipated Lillia raptors cheese and had Evelynn start raptors into red side while the bot lane fake leashed. This would've thrown off Lillia's pathing and Evelynn having a free first clear would've set the whole game for her. Pantheon is also just a bad support to pair with Eve!<

/r/EvelynnMains Thread Link - i.redd.it