Paizo's nominee in best representation!

as a trans person I cannot help but add a comment here. but hold your horses you may find yourself surprised by what I have to say.

as a person who is vaguely associated with LGBT I do not consume products aimed at LGBT people because those products feel more like a 4chan psyop than an actual product that gives good representation to sexual and racial and other minorities.

so I kinda hate how LGBT in disposable media has become and part of that stems from the fact that gay is more publicly acceptable so you get this two fold issue.

A) gay erases every other minority representation in a hyper sexual hyper romantic form that is just as shallow and white washed as heterosexual focused (all other media) disposable media.

B) It's the only focus of the whole thing. The content is just how gay it is and all character personalities can be summed up by gay tropes.

that is not representation, that is not diverse, that is just another form of the same stifled heterosexual focused media we have been drowned in with even less other minority representation. it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth so I like... explicitly do not play LGBT focused games because it's the same white washed hyper sexualized hyper romantic drivel that makes people feel alienated. I don't care about your gay seduction of the dragon, I care about who your character is. It is literally worse than forgotten realms and all its egregious faults, because now all I can do is be EXTREMELY gay for its own sake. no trans characters and if there are it's SUPER basic gotta appeal to trenders (fakers and liars) and other fake people jumping on the hyper sexualized bandwagon. no ace characters, no racial minorities or if there are their race is ignored using colorblind glasses. it's all just the same erasure of marginalized people in a way that is fundamentally less palatable than the alternative that we've always had all along.

A character can be gay, that's cool, in fact I super dig it. BUT they should have their own personality.

Why Paizo has succeeded is they made a world where minority representation just EXISTS and exists in a health way that allows for unique and interesting characters that isn't just "I AM GAY AND I REALLY NEED YOU TO KNOW THAT."

Paizo has rules for everything and healthy diversity in a way that no system has ever managed that makes D20 actually playable. and this is just the cherry on top. so Congragulations Paizo, you have earned your place for saving D20; because before I would only play AD&D 2nd ED because nothing was worth switching to just another form of garbage when all this content and all these games exist for it.

So Thank you for making mechanics, lore, character design, and minority representation all feel GENUINELY good for the first time in D20 and in games in general.

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